"> G20 Health Ministers' Meetings
G7 Research Group

Temporary home of the Global Governance Program
based at the University of Toronto

About the G7 Research GroupAbout the G20 Research Group

G20 Research Group

G20 Ministers Responsible for Development

2024: July 22-23, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leaving No One Behind: G20 Development Ministerial Declaration for Reducing Inequalities, July 23, 2024
G20 Call to Action on Strengthening Drinking-water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Services, July 23, 2024
Chair's Statement of the Brazilian G20 Presidency, July 23, 2024

Material published before May 2024 is available
on the G20 Information Centre website

2023: November 13
G20 Development Working Group publishes the G20 2023 New Delhi Update [pdf] (Source: Official website of the 2023 Indian G20 presidency)
2023: June 12, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Development ministers meeting
Outcome Document and Chair's Summary
G20 2023 Action Plan on Accelerating Progress on the SDGs
G20 High Level Principles on Lifestyles for Sustainable Development
2022: September 7-9, Belitung, Indonesia
Development ministers meeting
Chair's Summary
G20 Roadmap for Stronger Recovery and Resilience in Developing Countries, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States [pdf]
G20 Principles to Scale Up Blended Finance in Developing Countries, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States [pdf]
2021: June 29-30, Matera and Brindisi, Italy
Development ministers meeting: June 29, Matera: Communiqué
Foreign and development ministers meeting, June 29, Matera: Matera Declaration
Description: Development Ministerial Meeting and Ministerial Event on Humanitarian Assistance, June 30, 2021
Description: Foreign Ministerial Meeting and Joint Foreign and Development Ministerial Meeting, June 29, 2021
Description: Foreign and Development Ministers' Meeting and Ministerial Event on Humanitarian Assistance, June 27, 2021
Press conference: G20 Ministerial Event on Humanitarian Assistance, co-chaired by Italian foreign minister Luigi Di Maio and World Food Programme executive director David Beasley, June 30, Brindisi

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This Information System is provided by the Global Governance Program,
which includes the G20 Research Group and G7 Research Group
based at the University of Toronto.
Please send comments to:
This page was last updated August 20, 2024 .